I inspire people, organizations, and churches to embrace a powerful journey toward healing from a spiritual perspective.

Trauma-Informed Healing 

I want you to know freedom is possible!

i'm on a mission to

I guide you through a healing journey to discover your "sweet spot" - a place of authenticity and new life. I empower you to find balance in the midst of an ever-changing world, explore healing of past traumas, and discovery of wholeness and freedom that launches you toward your highest dreams!

embrace - impact - empower - inspire - encourage

I inspire organizations, churches, and people suffering from trauma and imposter syndrome to heal through theology, education, and spiritual care. I help you find ways to love yourself and what you do, while finding joy and fulfillment in everyday life.

ways to work with me

I work with people to heal, release imposter syndrome, love themselves, and thrive mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. I use my lived experience, social work background and theological education to cultivate brave healing spaces that aid in personal and public liberation.

Relate to any of these?
We should work together!

Relate to any of these? We should work together!

  • You hold yourself to an impossibly high standard and haven't quite learned how to be compassionate and offer grace and love along the way

Ready to walk in the fullness of who God created you to be?

  • You are an amazing person with many gifts from God, but struggle to see it

  • You have learned to embrace self-condemnation and self-critique as a means to reach the high standards you’ve set for yourself, but it is slowly eating away at your soul

  • You never find space to celebrate your accomplishments or be satisfied with all you have done

  • You pastor a congregation that needs spiritual healing in their individual and collective lives and you don’t know where to start

  • You regularly wrestle with imposter syndrome and may use unhealthy coping strategies to silence this negative voice as a means to show up and continue to lead

  • You desire to love yourself and what you do

I provide support in a variety of ways, including one-on-one sessions, consulting for pastors and/or churches, and public speaking. I strategize with my clients and equip them with practical tools to find balance, transform toxic habits, and build resilience and confidence as they transform shame, fear, and doubt, into living unapologetically in their purpose.

*Due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, sessions are available in-person or virtual (based upon personal preference).*

1-on-1 Sessions

If you are struggling with imposter syndrome, unsure about where you’re headed in life, or tired of living in fear, these personal sessions are made for you! I will help you envision life beyond your fears, discover and build confidence in your voice, set life goals that connect to your passions, and develop new patterns of living that give you more joy and freedom.

1-on-1 Sessions


This consulting is geared toward pastors and congregations that want to learn how to be trauma-informed. I’ll guide you through a process to explore healing your trauma from a spiritual perspective through education, preaching, spiritual practices, and congregational care.

Trauma Healing Consulting


I am a dynamic leader with the goal of inspiring, challenging, and encouraging my listeners with messages that are delivered with energy and passion. Attendees leave empowered to make a difference in the world. I have led a variety of events such as: conferences, small groups, retreats, and more!


I began to live in peace when I believed peace

existed in me.


I am an overcomer who emerged from many struggles by the grace of God to claim my authentic voice, confidence, and zeal for life. I was created in love by God to deliver what delivered me. I am a truth seeker and Spirit follower that values mystical and womanist ideologies as pathways to connect with the divine. I am a creative and deep thinker who will invite you to excavate matters of the soul as a means to heal and unearth seeds of greatness planted in you by God.

prayer wall

Prayer is our greatest weapon! When we pray and connect with God we find a space to unpack our fears and find strength for the journey. How can I pray for you?

How can i pray for you today?

I am a prayer warrior that believes in the power of prayer. I will intercede on your behalf, and trust God to repair the situation for your good.   


We'll be praying for you

Thank you for submitting your prayer request!

I realized peace was more than a prayer - peace was manifested in my life when I finally believed

the truth of who I am.

let's chat!

Ready to take the first step? Fill out the form below to get the conversation started. I look forward to hearing from you!


We'll be in touch soon

Thank you for your note!